Divine Mother Mary and the Divine Feminine from the Great Central Sun- Your Hope and Clarity will Wa
My consciousness merkaba activated and I found myself before the Great Central Sun,The
Heart of God. My Seraphim aspect separated from the blinding light of the Central Sun and
greeted me. “Have Courage,” he spoke as he greeted me. “We all need courage I suppose,” I
replied. I entered the Great Central Sun and Divine Mother Mary greeted me with her beautiful
light. She wove a rainbow circle of light for me to sit on. As I could feel her intention to begin
speaking, she suddenly emanated the faces and light of several other Divine Mothers and they
seemed to merge with her being. As this occurred, she expanded immensely in light and
vibration and I could feel my energy vibrating faster in response. Faces and light merged within
her, Durga, Kali, Kwan Yin, Isis, Tara. As soon as this merging was complete She (or they) began
to speak.
“I speak as the Divine Mother. My beloved children you are in the midst of your divine work.
My loves, you are Not alone. Set aside your fears, surrender them to Me and we will fill your
heart with joy and bliss. You are not on the timeline of Armageddon, fear not, you are stepping
into your roles and the angels that you are, the Seraph, the Cherub, the Phoenix and the
dragons of the Great Central Sun, of the heart of the Divine. You have chosen to move into the
higher realm in your physical bodies for many eras to come until you no longer desire them.
You, beloveds are Now the tugboats upon your planet. Your divine hearts, your compassion and
your steadfast trust and faith in the divine serves as the wake upon which the rest of humanity
will ride. Your love will pull them up, your hope and clarity will wash over them.”
“I AM the divine feminine as are you beloveds. Together, we bring balance, compassion and
healing to the hearts of humanity. The negative masculine can no longer thrive in the Light. The
healed Divine masculine will arise and together in unity We will restore balance to the planet.
The sorrow upon your planet was not of Gaia, it was of those energies vested in control, greed
and power over others. Gaia is upon the precipice of 4 th , 5 th dimensional Being. Gaia, as Divine
Mother is rising in the Light and We are Now vibrationally connected in this timeline. As Divine
Mothers we are once again linked in Unity.”
“You will lead beloveds, you have tipped the balance to the Light. In this occurrence the dark
must come into the Light and be purged. Be it known beloveds that all is not as it appears.
Many upon your planet that you have held in high esteem will come to be known to be wolves
in sheep’s clothing. Be slow to anger, slow to judge. Those of my children that hold tightly to
power over others will resist the Light and attempt to mislead and deceive. Much will come to
Light and you will be called upon to embody and hold to your divine hearts. Be the healers and
leaders of the Golden Age and comfort those that require comfort. Those that leave their
bodies during this time upon your planet are held in Our arms as they arrive Home. They thrive
in the eternal love that they truly are. There is no death, only love. As revelations come to light
upon Gaia and as truths are revealed, many hearts will shatter. This expands the heart. Invite in
and embrace your divine Hearts beloveds and this will be the vibration of your Golden Age, one
planet in love with humanity.”
In love, Mother Mary and the Divine Feminine