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Journey to Gentle New Earth with Pleiadian Astaria

My merkaba activated and my awareness shifted to my Pleiadian self

Astaria. She grabbed my hand and I found that we were standing somewhere

looking at a circular tower that reminded me of something out of the Jetsons.

The circular structure had circular rings, perhaps three that jutted out from

the structure. Atop the structure was a large antenna that extended quite far

into the sky. While trying to ascertain where we were, I noticed that there

were spacecraft of different shapes and sizes sitting outside the structure in

what looked like a circular parking area that extended outward in a circle

around the structure. There was a wonderful feeling of safety, calm and

serenity here. As I turned to look at the trees and flowers around me, I

instantly knew we were on Gaia. “This is an airport?” I asked Astaria. She

nodded her head. “Yes, it is an airport as you would call it. Visitors to Gaia

arrive here and the antenna you see is a type of beacon that guides some of

them here.” I took a moment to experience the sense of tranquility here. I

knew this was 5 th dimensional Gaia.

We took a few steps, or rather we glided to a comfortable bench close by

that seemed to instantly conform to our forms. I looked ahead of us where

there was a field of white flowers that felt comforting although they were

nothing I’ve ever seen on Gaia. A few steps away from us lay a crystal clear

pond of water that reflected the trees, flowers and sky. I saw the reflection of

purple lilacs and looked to my left to where there appeared a large, lilac

bush. “I love lilacs!” I said out loud. “Yes you do and you created this,” she

answered. “What do mean please?” I asked. “Look at yourself”, she replied.

I looked down at myself, intuitively felt myself and leaned far over to

observe my face’s reflection in the still water of the pond. I felt fluid and

light. I wore a long white garment that draped over one shoulder and tied

into a loose knot in the middle. It barey felt heavy enough to be clothing. My

hair was long and more white than blonde with a slight wave in it. Next to

me, leaning against the bench was a white staff with a reddish, burgundy

colored orb atop of it. I had met this aspect of me on Gaia before on one of

my journeys with my Seraphim self. “But we are on 5 th dimensional Gaia

aren’t we?” I asked. I did not know why this seventh dimensional aspect of

me that I had met previously was in this dimension. “Again,” Astaria spoke,

there is no time, yet in your perception, we have moved into this timeline to

join this aspect of you having this experience. In this moment of No Time

we have joined the 5 th dimensional Gaia experience in which you have

created a vista for yourself that is part Pleiadian and part Gaian.” As she

focused her attention on the lilac trees, the flowers turned from purple to

blue and orange. “Do the trees mind that we have changed them?” I asked. I

felt concerned for the trees. “You temporarily created that vista, the lilac tree

did not exist before you manifested it.”

Astaria stood and we began to glide down a pathway through a wooded area.

Trying to take everything in, I wondered at the ethereal light illuminating

everything. There were no shadows and the light seemed to have no specific

origin. I looked up at the sky and watched soft pastel colors flicker gently

like a soft, calm aurora borealis undulating in the sky. There did not appear

to be nor did I sense a sun above. As I turned my attention to the trees that

we passed, I could feel the life and unique vibration of each of them and

then understood what she had been telling me about the lilacs. The trees that

“lived” here had a life and vibration of their own. I knew I could talk to them

if I desired to. We passed an intersecting path that crossed the one that we

were on and as I looked to my left and right I saw other beings that had form

yet appeared white as light and were dressed in attire that seemed to span the

ages past upon Gaia. There was a man in a monk’s robe, a woman that

appeared to be dressed as a Geisha and two men in Grecian togas. I giggled

and said to Astaria, “They are having fun with their garments!” She smiled

and nodded. As we passed the intersection of the walkway, a red fox walked

out from behind a tree to pass in front of us. He greeted me not in words but

telepathically. “Hello sister…greetings”, he said. “Greetings to you,” I

answered, “Are you enjoying yourself?” “I am, I am,” he replied. “I am just

looking for a spot of sun to nap in.” As we continued walking, I wondered

what sun he was referring to, as I was quite sure there wasn’t one and

quickly came to the conclusion that he would create one for his nap. I looked

to the sky again, just to double check, yet there was still the pastel colors and

surreal lovely light that illuminated all.

“Astaria”, I asked, “Why couldn’t I just think myself to the Pleiades if I

wanted to go home. Why create a vista for myself?” “You could,” she

replied. “You can create whatever is proper and timely, as can all. Yet in this

now, you are serving here. You are assisting those that aspire to the next

octave, those that continue to raise their vibration.” As she finished her

sentence, we came upon a large domed building that seemed to me to be

constructed of a shiny white marble. We walked to the large arched entrance

and stood in the doorway. Inside was a large circular amphitheater with

many rows of ascending seating. As I looked to the center platform, the

speaker changed into various forms. For a moment it had a human form,

then a Mayan looking man, then a large being resembling a large caterpillar,

then an angelic form. Before I could ask, Astaria replied, “This is a place of

learning and beings from the multiverse visit here to learn and teach a

multitude of subjects. Your staff designates the area and octave you are

teaching within. Each is drawn to learn what they love and are a vibrational

match to. Art, engineering, geometry, the learning is what you would

identify with as a “download” and is much more rapid and efficient than the

form known in the 3 rd dimension. There is no limit to the potential of any

being. Those that visit can identify that which you teach by your staff and

some by their vibrational match to you. One wouldn’t want to attend an

advanced physics class when they are first mastering geometry. There would

be no point and no joy in that. We turned to leave the arch entrance and

opposite the domed building stood a huge crystal pyramid. I stopped and

stared at it. It seemed to me the most remarkable thing I had seen on this

journey. “The wisdom and knowledge of Gaia as well as the history of the

solar system and this galaxy is held within the crystals of Gaia,” Astaria

said. “As I said, the potential of each being is infinite and all are welcome to

learn and expand their consciousness as appropriate here.” “Beautiful!” I

replied. “Yes, it is.”

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