All Is Geometry, Including Us. As Above, So Below
I called in my multidimensional selves and the Family of Light. Sananda, Archangel Michael and Ashtar appeared as the Family of Light. I...

The Seraphim Self-Sananda’s Eagles are the Angels
I called in my multidimensional selves and the Family of Light. My merkaba began to spin and then became an diamond of light. I found...

Birthed Into The Universe
I entered my meditative state and called in my multidimensional selves, higher self and any Ascended Masters or Angels that endeavored to...

Transforming With The Atma Meditation-Archangel Michael and Ashtar
As a foreword to this meditation and as to why I feel it was given to me to share is that the Atma represents our soul. The threefold...

Final Song for Great Central Sun Meditation-Ashtar Command
My beloved galactic family, I will share the interesting events of today with you. I thought it would be an uneventful day but not so. I...

Reuniting with Ashtar on the Athena Starship
My Merkakba activated and I found my walking through the waiting area of the Athena Starship. Sometimes I enter through the waiting area...

Enter the Void-The Stillpoint You Are So Much More Than You Know
I called in my Multidimensional selves and my Family of Light. I was feeling a weight of sadness that I wanted to transmute. Archangel...

How Do I recognize Incoming Higher Dimensional Messages?
How do I recognize incoming higher dimensional messages? Spirit will put a thought in my head and I hear it. They will speak to me before...

First Journey to the Great Central Sun
I got myself in my meditative state and prepared for my journey. I called in my multidimensional selves and any of my Family of Light...

Reuniting with Archangel Michael On the Starship Athena and My Eagle Lightbody
I called in my multidimensional selves and family of Light prior to my mediation journey. I felt the Merkaba in my mind spin as cosmic...

Meeting My Arcturian Self
Remembering my Pleidian self brought to me a sense of comfort, peace and freedom that I had never truly felt. I spent my meditations...

My spirit guides are Multidimensional aspects of Me!
For as many years as I can remember, prior to meditating I would call in my spirit guides and highest self to guide me and be present...