Archangel Gabrielle Speaks From The Great Central Sun On Remembering Angelic Origins
My merkaba activated and I found myself approaching the starship Athena. Before me appeared a great being of light with golden hair, red...

Greetings From The Athena Starship-Pleidian Astaria Speaks On The Heartspace, 5th Dimension and Grou
My merkaba activated and I found myself aboard the Athena starship in the fifth dimension. I was sitting at a table as Astaria floated...

Greetings From The Athena Starship-Sananda Speaks On Acceleration And Transformation
My merkaba activated and I found myself boarding the Athena starship via the visitor entrance. I took a double take as I looked to the...

Great Goddess Isis from the Great Central Sun. There Is No Fear.
My merkaba spun and I found myself entering the Great Central Sun. Upon arrival through the portal to within the Great Central Sun I...

The great Goddess Isis speaks of the Golden Spiral, Expansion and New Earth
I called in my multidimensional selves and the Family of Light. My Seraphim self, Higher Self Solara and my Pleidian self, Astaria with...

Great Goddess Isis Speaks on Balancing the Masculine and Feminine
I called in my multidimensional selves and Family of Light and had the intention of a short mediation/journey as I felt quite tired. The...

Sananda speaks from the Great Central Sun
I entered my meditative state and my Merkaba activated. Sananda immediately appeared before me with his loving gaze. He reached out his...

Divine Mother Mary and the Great Central Sun
At the beginning of my meditation, Mother Mary appeared before me. She was smiling and holding her hands out to me. I reached for her...

Twelve Faces of the I AM Presence of the Great Central Sun Rebirthed Into A Universe
I had no expectations on my holiday vacation to experience such an awe inspiring and super fun journey. I was catching up on some...

Greetings on the Winter Solstice from the Athena Starship and Ashtar's New Jeruselem
I could just feel that today's journey was going to be fun and uplifting and indeed it was. I called in my Multidimensional selves and...

My Arcturian Self, Master the Mind
Greeting fellow starbrothers and sisters. My Arcturian self is asking that I share my meditation and our discussion the other evening....

Greetings from the Athena Starship-Angelic Selves
Greetings from the Athena Starship Last evening before bed I intended a short meditation to center myself. Sananda, Ashtar and AA Michael...

Greetings From the Athena Starship- Seraphim Incarnated
Greetings from the Athena Starship! For those who aren't familiar with me , as part of my mission it was requested that i bring...

Fall Equinox Quetxocoatl and the Great Central Sun
Happy Fall Equinox fellow Lightbeings and Masters! it became known to me yesterday that Gaia was requesting that she be the focus of...

Gaia Speaks
I entered my meditative state and called in my multidimensional selves and family of Light. I acknowledged Ashtar and Archangel Michael...