The Arcturians Speak from the Athena Starship Unite Together
My merkaba activated and I found myself in the corridor that leads to the control room which has windows that look out upon the other orb...

Solar Eclipse Message Mother and Master Mary Magdalene from the Great Central Sun
During the unity meditation for peace and harmony and while anchoring the column of light from the Great Central Sun, Gaia became...

Sananda Speaks From the Great Central Sun - We Are One In Unity
My merkaba activated and I found myself within the Central Sun. Sananda stood before me and Mary Magdalene stood on his left and Divine...

Ashtar Speaks From His Starship of Light - As Above, So Below
My merkaba spun and Ashtar appeared before me. As always I greeted him with honor and he bowed his gentlemanly bow that is the...

Great Goddess Isis Speaks from the Athena Starship Open your High Heart
My merkaba in my mind activated and my consciousness shifted to the Athena starship, the Arcturian/Pleieadian lightship in the 5th...

Emier-Ra the Angelic Blue Avian Speaks from the Great Central Sun -- Bring the Darkness into Illumin
My merkaba spun and my consciousness shifted. I found myself outside the Great Central Sun before Emier-Ra. Emier-Ra is a...

Ashtar Speaks-Higher Dimensional Landings and Disclosure
My merkaba activated and I found myself aboard what appeared to be small lightship. I had merged with my Pleiadian self Astaria to...

The Golden Ones Speak from the 5th Dimension - Expand your Heart to Fill the World
My merkaba spun in my mind and I found myself on the threshold of the 5th dimension. Surrounding me in a circle were golden beings that...

Emier-Ra the Angelic Blue Avian Speaks From the Great Central Sun
My Merkaba activated and I found myself facing the Great Central Sun. Ahead of me, in front of the Great Central Sun was a being of white...

Sananda Speaks to the Golden Ones and Humanity from the Great Central Sun
My Merkaba spun and my consciousness shifted to the Great Central Sun. As I entered the Great Central Sun, I found myself within a huge...

We, the Arcturians, from the Athena Starship. Live From The Heart
My merkaba activated and I found myself just outside the Athena. I stopped to gaze upon Gaia as this has become my favorite sight before...

Journey to Gentle New Earth with Pleiadian Astaria
My merkaba activated and my awareness shifted to my Pleiadian self Astaria. She grabbed my hand and I found that we were standing...

Gaia’s Angelic Self Speaks From The Athena Starship
My merkaba spun and I found myself looking down upon Gaia from outside the Athena starship, the Arcturian/Pleiadian 5th dimensional...

The 9th Dimensional Arcturians Speak From Arcturus On Gaia’s Energies
My merkaba spun and my consciousness shifted to the Athena starship. I found myself entering the starship through the boarding area. I...

AMUN-RA Speaks From The Athena Starship To Awaken the Lineage of RA
My merkaba activated and I found myself entering the boarding area of the Athena starship, the Pleiadian/Arcturian starship in the 5th...