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Love to #hashtag? Good news! You can add tags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people. Why hashtag?...

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Adding writers is a great way to bring more fresh and diverse content to your blog. Whether you’re running a small business or a large...

Traveling In The Merkaba
How do you travel in your Merkaba? This is a good question and many have asked me this. At the end of my personal experience, I will...

Archangel Metatron from the Great Central Sun- It Is Time For Graduation
My merkaba activated and I found myself outside the Great Central Sun, the glorious state of the I Am surrounded by fiery Seraphim that...

Sananda Speaks from the Athena Lightship- Let Us Sit in the Stillness and Love Together
My merkaba activated and I found myself boarding the Athena lightship. I followed the higher selves of the others down the corridor into...

Ashtar Speaks from A Federation Lightship-All is Duly on Course
My merkaba activated and I found myself following my Pleiadian self, Astaria onto the boarding area of a lightship. It did not feel...

Divine Mother Isis Speaks from the Athena Lightship- Release Your Fear
My merkaba activated and I found myself in a room aboard the Athena lightship with my Pleiadian aspects Astaria and Astar. The room was...

Archangel Michael Speaks From the Athena Lightship- There Is No Judgment
My merkaba activated and I was immediately on the Athena Lightship in a room with Archangel Michael. He began to speak immediately upon...

Divine Mother Mary From the Athena Lightship The End of Limitation
In the new energies it has come to my awareness through my higher selves that since You are Me and I am You, I AM THAT I AM that it will...

The Arcturians Speak From Arcturus-Your Crystalline Template
My merkaba activated and I found myself entering the boarding area on the Athena lightship, the Arcturian/Pleiadian lightship. My...

The 9th Dimensional Arcturians Speak from Arcturus 11:11 Portal, Into the Now, One with the Divine
My merkaba activated and my Arcturian self appeared before me. He grabbed my hand and we appeared in a familiar surrounding. The planet...

Archangel Michael Speaks from the Athena Starship- It is Often Darkest Before the Dawn
My merkaba spun and activated and I found myself heading towards the Athena starship, the Pleiadian/Arcturian 5th dimensional lightship....

Sananda and Divine Mother Mary From the Great Central Sun We Sing the Song of Your Souls
My merkaba activated and I arrived before the Great Central Sun. My Seraphim self greeted me outside and we immediately entered. Before...

Leo The Lyran Speaks From 7th Dimensional Lyra The Universe Is Inside of You
My Merkaba activated and I called in my multidimensional selves. My Arcturian self took my hand and I heard him (us) think…Lyra. We...

Sananda Speaks from the Great Central Sun-Together We Rise Archangel Michael Speaks from the Great c
My Merkaba activated and I found myself heading into the Great Central Sun, a flaming realm of golden white divine light. Before me...