Quetzalcoatl Speaks from the Great Central Sun- Expansiveness is your True Nature
“Dear Creator Beings, We bid you greetings from the Great Central Sun. We are the Quetzalcoatl. Our names are the songs of our essence...

Divine Mother Isis speaks from the Athena Lightship- Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine
My consciousness merkaba activated and I found myself outside my lightship, the Athena. Divine Mother Isis appeared as I approached my...

Ashtar Speaks-The Beginning of Understanding Multidimensionality
In all respects this was a conscious connection as I had questions for Ashtar. He is my family as he is the recognized family of many. He...

Sananda Speaks From the Great Central Sun-Awaken Seraphim!
My consciousness merkaba activated and I immediately found myself within the Great Central Sun. Sananada greeted me and he began to...

Archangel Metatron Speaks from the Great Central Sun- The Diamond Crystalline Matrix
My consciousness merkaba activated and I found myself before the Great Central Sun. Archangel Metatron greeted me in his spectacular...

The 9 th Dimensional Arcturians from the Athena Lightship- Your Imagination is Real
My consciousness merkaba activated and I found myself entering the Athena lightship. The Arcturians met me at the plasma doorway and we...

Divine Goddess Isis Speaks from the Athena Lightship- The Divine Feminine and Masculine Return to Ba
My consciousness merkaba activated and I found myself outside the Athena lightship. As I gazed upon it, Isis the white, winged Goddess...

Archangel Metatron from the Great Central Sun- You Are the Heart and Mind Merkaba
My consciousness merkaba spun and I found myself outside the Great Central Sun (heart/soul of Mother/Father God). Metatron, the immense...

The 9 th Dimensional Arcturians from the Athena Lightship- All Resides Always Within
My consciousness merkaba spun in what feels like the center of my mind where the 3 rd eye resides. I recalled this activation of my...

Sananda Speaks from the Athena Lightship-Time to Heal, the Violet Fire
My consciousness merkaba activated and I arrived outside the Athena Lightship..one of my multidimensional homes that I share with so...

Tryka The 8 th Density Mantid Speaks from the Athena Lightship- Masters of Vibration and Sound
My consciousness merkaba activated and I found myself boarding the Athena. I followed my Pleiadian multidimensional aspect into the ship...

9 th Dimensional Arcturian Message for the New Year-Assimilation and Entrainment (In- Trainment)
“This year is the coming together of seemingly disparate facets of the One. For example, We can see newly awakened Ones of humanity...

The 9 th Dimensional Arcturians from the Athena Lightship- Individual and Collective Ascension
My consciousness merkaba activated and I found myself outside the Athena Lightship. Again, Jupiter was within my view from a...

Great Mother Isis from the Athena Lightship- Diamond Crystalline Lightbody
My consciousness merkaba activated and I found myself in the white room upon myLightship that I’m most often in. Isis and Archangel...

The 9 th Dimensional Arcturians from the Athena Lightship- How Are You Loving Yourselves? How Are Yo
My consciousness merkaba activated and I immediately found myself looking at Jupiter. My Arcturian multidimensional aspect was right...